About these last few days:
As soon as I got the assignment, make a presentation about you and your country, small gears in my heads were turning. One thing is explaining to young people about Denmark and even about me, but another thing is trying to make it fun or just durable, so you won’t fall asleep after slide number 3.
So. The first thing I did was make myself some tea, plug in my charger, and then I started doing research about my own country. It was weird, I even had put a post on Facebook asking my friends from Denmark what to mention to you guys, and as they came with ideas I myself also found out some great details, like Scarlett Johansson being Danish, or the fact we burned witches because women were a threat to the church around the 15th century.
Finally, the first day of presenting was here, and I showed it to the students. I remember that I did not rehearse at all, and I was really tired as I couldn’t sleep because I was so nervous presenting what I made for the students. As I stood up and made everything ready, I looked down on everyone, and I just started talking. Some things went well, other things I could improve overtime. The presentation ended, and I made adjustments for the future classes, since I found out that I had to make this about 10 more times.
Now that I’m finished with the presentation, I feel it was fun, interesting and also exciting. The students were nice most of the times and I hope to do it again in the future.
Rugsėjo 16 d. IA ir IC klasių mokiniai bei šių klasių auklėtojos Inga Jurčikonytė-Kaminskienė ir Kristina Paulėkienė dalyvavo socialinėje iniciatyvoje - prevenciniame saugaus eismo projekte „JEI MATOMAS – ESU SAUGESNIS“, kurį organizavo Lietuvos kelių policijos tarnyba, Alytaus ir Marijampolės apskričių vyriausieji policijos komisariatai, radijo stotis „FM99“, valstybės įmonė Lietuvos automobilių kelių direkcija. Projekto tikslas- kurti saugesnę aplinką bei ugdyti supratimą rūpintis savo saugumu kelyje. Renginio metu policijos pareigūnai mokiniams suteikė informacijos apie tinkamą atšvaitų naudojimą (kaip, kur juos prisisegti ), kad dalyvaudami viešajame eisme būtų matomi kitiems eismo dalyviams, skatino rodyti sektiną pavyzdį visuomenei – naudotis saugos priemonėmis (atšvaitais, ryškiaspalvėmis liemenėmis su šviesą atspindinčiais elementais, prožektoriais, šviečiančiais žibintais) tamsiuoju paros metu siekiant būti saugesniems kelyje. Mokiniai turėjo galimybę pasigalynėti protų kovose saugaus eismo tema kartu su LRT laidos “Tūkstantmečio vaikai” vedėju Robertu Petrausku ir gauti vertingų prizų – atšvaitų, šviesą atspindinčių kuprinių, krepšelių.
Susitikimas su Remigijumi Žiogu
Rugsėjo 7 dieną trys didžiausią pažangą per praėjusį pusmetį padariusios klasės ( IIIB, IVF, IIS) susitiko su renginių vedėju, dėstytoju, "Šok su žvaigžde" ir kitų televizijos projektų dalyviu charizmatiškuoju Remigijumi Žiogu. " Jei galėjau aš - gali ir tu,"- sako R. Žiogas
Khatia Khvichava (Sakartvelas)
Hello, my name is Khatia Khvichava. I am 24 years old and I come from Georgia. Currently, I am doing my master degree in English Studies. Prior to this volunteering opportunity I have been to Lithuania two times. I have attended the Lithuanian language courses at Vilnius university, Vytautas Magnus university and Klaipeda University. Volunteering is a new experience to me and I think it will gain me lots of new important skills, will make me more independent and confident and it will be a great addition to my working experiences as I am going to be a teacher in the near future.
Nikolaj V. Lassen ( Danija)
My name is Nikolaj V. Lassen, I’m 22 years old, and I’m from the city Aarhus in Denmark. When I was younger, I went for one year to a boarding school, where we made several trips abroad to get to know other cultures, and ever since that time I’ve wanted to travel and meet new people. The main reason for me being a volunteer is that the ideology of doing something to help others just because you can, really speaks to me. I chose Lithuania because I don’t know so much about this country and I am looking forward to get to know more about the Lithuanian culture. I chose Suduvos gimnazija because I want to become a teacher when I’m finished with my time as a volunteer.