It has been good coming back to Denmark after being in Lithuania for 4 months. After traveling for about 10 hours, I arrived at my great aunt. The entire family was there. My own close as well as my dads’ cousins and their children. It was a nice feeling. It was the 23rd of December. The warmth of the house, the smell of leverpostej and æbleskiver, the sounds of Danish radio. It was a very nice feeling and I still remember every bit of it even today. The next day, the 24th, was a bit more hectic. We celebrated Christmas at my uncle’s, so we had to prepare a lot of stuff. We ate some roasted duck, potatoes, either melted in sugar or just normal, and for dessert we got a rice pudding called Risalamande. The next few days me and my family just spent time together. On new years eve me and some friends celebrated together. We drank, we ate, we did other stuff we would regret in the morning, but in the moment it was amazing. Next few days we just watched movies and spent time together, and the 7th of January my little brother turned 18 years old, so the family got together one more time.
It has been amazing being back and I can’t wait to go back to Denmark in February.
It has been amazing being back and I can’t wait to go back to Denmark in February.