
Dabar norėčiau papasakoti apie save. Nėra lengva apibūdinti save kaip asmenybę, man visada nedrąsu apie tai kalbėti. Tačiau aš noriu, kad Jūs suprastumėte, kokia esu iš tiesų. Pirmas žodis, atėjęs man į galvą apibūdinant save, yra drąsa. Aš esu pasirengusi pasikeitimams ir iššūkiams, kurių visada trokštu. Aš nebijau nepatogių situacijų. Manau, kad tai yra mano didžiausia stiprybė, nes tai leidžia susikaupti net ir esant labai sudėtingoms stresinėms situacijoms. Manieji draugai labiausiai vertina mano draugiškumą, atvirumą ir mokėjimą palaikyti kitus. Aš visada atvira ir stengiuosi būti savimi, net jeigu kiti to ir nemėgsta.
Taigi aš nesu paprasta mergina, mėgstanti dailę, šokius, muzikos festivalius, jūrą ir vandenynus. Savo laisvu laiku aš mėgaujuosi skaitydama knygas ir piešdama, žiūrėdama aštuoniasdešimtųjų filmus ir fotografuodama. Mėgstu keliauti ir manau, kad tai yra geriausias dalykas, kuris man padeda tyrinėti save - naujos šalys, nauji draugai, naujo vietos ir įgyjama patirtis mane keičia į gerą. Ir kalbos! Man yra palaima studijuoti naujas kalbas, aš jas labai mėgstu, todėl tai tapo vienu iš mano hobių. Kūryba - vienas geriausių dalykų mano gyvenime. Aš rašau, kai man liūdna arba linksma, nes tai geriausias būdas, kai aš galiu atskleisti save ir išsakyti viską, apie ką noriu kalbėti. Aš manau, kad Marijampolėje patirsiu daug kvapą gniaužiančių, nuostabių istorijų, kurias galėsiu papasakoti, istorijų, kurios pakeis mane į geresnę pusę.
Aš esu pasiruošusi pasiūlyti Jums tai, ką turiu geriausio. Aš stengsiuosi padaryti viską, kad žmonės šalia manęs jaustųsi patogiai, noriu pasidalyti savo žiniomis, padaryti aplinką įvairesnę ir mielesnę, supažindinti su savo kultūra, būti ta, kuri visada pasiruošusi padėti visiems, kam to reikia, ir tiesiog būti spindinčia kaip saulė mergina!
I am Ekaterina, friends and family call me Eka, you can call me so. I am from Georgia, 22 years old. This year I became bachelor of sociology. Before starting my master program, decided to volunteering and choose Lithuania, because I’ve heard many good things about this country and about people. Also my favourite Georgian woman poet, Salome Benidze, has many poems and blogs about Lithuania and I was so interested. And of course, volunteering in school was so exciting for me because I plan to study educational sciences and discovering other country’s experience will be so interesting for me.
Now, I should talk about myself. It is never an easy task to describe my personality as I always tend to be shy in this sense but this is not the case because I do want you to see the best of me. The very first word that comes into my mind is BRAVE. I am ready for the changes and challenges I always look for and I’m never afraid of uncomfortable moments. I find it my biggest strength because it helps me a lot to stay focused even in the most stressful situations. What my friends like in me the most is that I am very friendly, open for everyone and everything and always try to comfort others. I am honest and always prefer to be ME even if others do not like it so.
So, I am just a not-so-ordinary girl who loves art, dancing, music festivals, sea and ocean. In my free time I enjoy reading books and drawing on blank pages, watching 80s movies and taking the photos my friends find really beautiful. I love travelling. I think it is the best thing I can do to observe myself – how new countries, new friends, places and experiences change me for better. And oh, languages! Studying new languages is another bliss and I enjoy doing it so that it really became one of my hobbies.
Writing is one of the best things for me. I write when I am sad or happy because this is the best way I can express myself and describe everything I want to talk about. I think in Marijampole, I will collect many breath-taking, amazing stories to tell, stories about how I changed something for better and how I was changed after that.
As for my contribution, I am ready to offer you every single good thing I have to give for others. I will do my best to comfort people around me, to share my knowledge, to make your multicultural environment more diverse and sweet, to introduce my culture, to be a helping hand for everyone who needs it and just to be there as sunny, shiny girl.
Writing is one of the best things for me. I write when I am sad or happy because this is the best way I can express myself and describe everything I want to talk about. I think in Marijampole, I will collect many breath-taking, amazing stories to tell, stories about how I changed something for better and how I was changed after that.
As for my contribution, I am ready to offer you every single good thing I have to give for others. I will do my best to comfort people around me, to share my knowledge, to make your multicultural environment more diverse and sweet, to introduce my culture, to be a helping hand for everyone who needs it and just to be there as sunny, shiny girl.