she cooked balandeliai for us. It is meat in the cabbage, cabbage roll. My mum uses to cook this kind of meal also, but this was different, with different souse. Gintare told us that she was nervous, but I think there was nothing to worry about because it was excellent. We also tasted cherry wine. For me, for Georgian, it was like a non-alcoholic drink :D it was very tasty and sweet. We also met dada. Fluffy cat of Gintare. Ricardas showed us some magic tricks. And then snowing started. It was so amazing, looked incredible on lights. My First snow in Lithuania. So, cheers to things that happen for the first time and give us new experiences.
Next Friday I am cooking Georgian dishes and I am nervous because I usually don't cook. It will be my first time but I will try my best to impress guests. If won't be able to do that, Georgian wine will do it for me, I am sure. :D