Anastasiia (Ukraine): My first impression of Lithuania
Lithuania met me with cloudy weather and a slight drizzle. For the first time in my life, I was feeling myself like “an Englishmen in New York” or an alien in the foreign country. However, my first feelings were wrong and far from reality. That I understood after meeting the teachers and students at the gymnasia. We had talked for a while and then I realized that I was feeling myself so calm and safe like I was at my parents’ house. Meeting other teachers and students I was surrounded by so caring and polite people. They asked about my country – Ukraine – and expressed words of admiration for the strength of my country and Ukrainians. From that moment, I realized how supportive and generous Lithuanians are.
I explore new places and sights every day and each time they impress me with their magnificence. The students really won my heart. I was lucky to teach them English after a week in Marijampole. First day was a little bit difficult and tense. The students were shy and I think sometimes even scared to ask anything or to communicate. My personal stories and jokes helped me to find the right approach to the students and the ice was broken. I am happy to do my job with so intelligent and interesting youngsters.