JB Mugė 2021
Projektas „Empowering Young Women for the Future of Jobs“
Projektas „Empowering Young Women for the Future of Jobs“, įgyvendinamas „Lietuvos Junior Achievement“ kartu su partneriais, „Women Go Tech“ organizacija, su šūkiu „Pakelk savo ranką!“ startavo ir mūsų gimnazijoje. 2021 m. lapkričio 17 dieną visus antrokus ekonomikos pamokose pakelti ranką kvietė Modesta – inžinierė - technologė (Hydro Extrusion Lithuania), Women Go Tech programos alumni. Ji kvietė išdrįsti pakelti ranką, kai kviečia galimybės, pasakyti „taip“ antreprenerystei ir karjeros perspektyvoms, asmeniniu pavyzdžiu įkvėpė mokinius (ir ypač merginas) drąsiai siekti karjeros technologijų srityje, ugdytis svarbiausias XXI amžiaus kompetencijas ir paskatinti, dalyvaujant AcceleratorX programoje, dar mokykloje kurti savo (galbūt technologinį) verslą – mokinių bendrovę.
Akcija ,,Būk matomas kelyje“
Marijampolės Sūduvos gimnazijos Jaunųjų policijos rėmėjų akcija „Būk matomas kelyje“ vyko 2021 metais lapkričio 17 dieną. Rytą, vykstant įntensyviam eismui, dalijome atšvaitus praeiviams, JPR parengtus lankstinukus, supažindinome su saugaus eismo taisyklėmis. Daugelio vaikų ir suaugusiųjų akyse matėme džiaugsmą ir padėką už tai, jog rūpinamės jų saugumu. Nustebino žmonių rūpinimasis ne tik už savo, bet ir artimųjų saugumu. Jie išdrįso paprašyti atšvaitų savo tėvams, vaikams ar seneliams. Prie akcijos prisijungė Marijampolės bendruomenės pareigūnės Edita Ežerskienė ir Agnė Matusaitė. , kurios rėmė mus atšvaitais bei kartu su JPR nariais dalyvavo akcijoje.
Sūduvos gimnazijos JPR narės Greta Blažaitytė ir Aistė Damidavičiūtė
My story (Khatia)
It is not easy to live in a different country far from your friends and family but that is where independence starts. Last month has been quite interesting for me. Some days I was just staying home and chilling and somedays was busy doing lots of stuff in a day. We went to Druskininkai. It was such a beautiful city and I can say during this two day trip I learned and discovered a lot. I tried Sakotis a delicious cake with a very extraordinary look and also the way it is made is extraordinary too. I tried to make it myself. I had lots of fun in Water park. That really was an unforgettable experience and even though I am not good at swimming I had crazy moments in the big pool. I also had very interesting classes at school that were challenging. I had classes with so many students and it was not easy but I think I dealt with it pretty well. The weather is sort of affecting my mood sometimes and now that winter is almost here days start to shorten which does not make me happy at all. But that is something I have to be patient about. In general, I like to spend time here and take lonely walks in the park where sometimes I encounter sweet funny rabbits.
16 November 2021 (Nikolaj V.Lassen)
I’ve been thinking a lot these last few hours on what to write.
These last few months have sure been an eye opener to me. From having classes to taking walks along Šešupė lake, it has been an interesting journey so far. For example, there have been multiple events at the gymnasium. Teacher’s day, school’s birthday, Halloween, and today it’s tolerance day. In all the schools I’ve been to in my life, no school has ever celebrated as much as Suduvos gimnazija. Students and teachers enjoy the festivities and are creative with dances and decorations. Danish schools certainly could learn something from them. Else I have had the pleasure of having my family visit me for a few days. They also enjoyed Marijampole, and were happy to be here. Together we travelled to Kaunas and Vilnius where we were tourists for a few days. As the months fly by, so does the daylight get smaller, and I can feel it affecting my mood lately. I have been self-reflecting, thinking about what I’m feeling, although it’s hard to find an answer. Am I lonely? Am I happy? Does my work even matter? All these questions I constantly think about and honestly, I have no clear answer. I’m happy people have started being more social with me, as I’m a very outgoing person who loves to talk and listen to them. Else I have just been relaxing in the city. Taken pictures, been to the cinema or just taking walks in the different parks in Marijampole.
Signing off for now.